Timetable Flintshire 2019

Due to popular demand, The Welsh Business Shows is expanding North Wales in 2019 where we plan to spread the success of the South and West Wales shows. The show will be held in Flintshire with space for 60 exhibitors and an array of informative seminars and networking throughout the day.

Timetable of Events

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Register attendance here:

Coming Soon

Floorplan 2019

Pricing & Size Guide

There is no such scheme

Online Stand booking ‘How To’:

  1. Hover your mouse over the stands to view the size and price.
  2. Click on the stand you wish to book adding it to your cart
  3. Scroll down to view the selected stand in your cart and click checkout
  4. Complete the booking form with your details and submit

Your selected stand will be booked in real time; the floorplan and exhibitor listings pages will be updated with your company details within 24 hours

Exhibitors 2019

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